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Amiable Good Natured Obliging Complaisant Pleasant And Friendly

Synonyms for Amiable

Amiable, Good-Natured, Obliging, Complaisant, Pleasant, and Friendly


Amiable means having the desire or disposition to please or having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities. An amiable person is generally well-liked and easy to get along with. They are often described as being kind, warm, and friendly. Synonyms for amiable include good-natured, obliging, and complacent.


Good-natured is similar to amiable, but it specifically refers to someone who is kind, pleasant, and easygoing. Good-natured people are often described as being cheerful and optimistic, even in difficult situations.


Obliging means being willing to do favors or help others. Obliging people are often described as being helpful, accommodating, and considerate. They are always willing to go the extra mile to make others happy.


Complaisant means being willing to please others, even if it means going against one's own wishes or beliefs. Complaisant people are often described as being agreeable, accommodating, and cooperative. They are always willing to do what others want, even if they don't personally agree with it.


Pleasant means being agreeable or enjoyable to be around. Pleasant people are often described as being cheerful, friendly, and easy to talk to. They are the kind of people that you enjoy spending time with.


Friendly means being warm, welcoming, and approachable. Friendly people are often described as being outgoing, sociable, and gregarious. They are the kind of people that you feel comfortable talking to and being around.

These are just a few of the many synonyms that can be used to describe someone who is amiable. When choosing a synonym, it is important to consider the specific context in which it will be used. The right synonym can help to create a more precise and nuanced description of the person you are trying to describe.


